TO: CRA Board of Commissioners
FROM: Renée A. Jadusingh, Executive Director
DATE: May 30, 2024
Recommended Action:
• Disapprove amendment and appoint applicants to the Redevelopment Advisory Committee under Resolution 2023-03;
• Approve amendment and appoint applicants to the Redevelopment Advisory Committee under the amended Resolution;
• Board direction on how to proceed.
On August 22, 2023, the CRA Board approved Resolution 2023-03 creating the Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency Redevelopment Advisory Committee (RAC) including certain regulations to govern the RAC’s membership and duties.
The application period was available from September 1, 2023 - October 31, 2023 totaling sixty days. During this period, the Community Redevelopment Agency received 15 applications; of which 8 may be considered based on the application criteria and the information that was submitted.
On November 16, 2023, the CRA Board approved to reopen and extend the application period from November 17, 2023 - January 16, 2024 totaling sixty days. During this period, the Community Redevelopment Agency received 19 applications; of which 9 may be considered based on the application criteria and the information that was submitted.
On February 27, 2024, the CRA Board approved to reopen and extend the application period from March 1, 2024 - April 12, 2024 totaling sixty days. During this period, the Community Redevelopment Agency received 20 applications; of which 10 may be considered based on the application criteria and the information that was submitted.
Also at the February 27, 2024, CRA Board Meeting, the Board discussed amending the RAC Resolution to allow individuals whose legal spouse owns homesteaded property or the sole beneficiary of a trust, which owns homesteaded property to qualify. Additionally, there was discussion about amending the RAC Resolution to allow all members to be at large as opposed to no more than one per subarea.
Subsequent to the February 27, 2024 CRA Board Meeting, Staff received input from community members requesting that application criteria be amended to allow individuals who rent property in the CRA District to apply.
Finally, at the April 23, 2024 CRA Board Meeting, CRA Staff presented a proposed amendment that covered the amendments requested by the CRA Board at the last meeting. The CRA Board discussed rejecting the proposed amendment, reopening the application period and amending Resolution 2023-03 to allow individuals whose legal spouse owns homesteaded property, the sole beneficiary of a trust which owns homesteaded property and renters to qualify, increasing the committee members from five (5) to eight (8) members and shortening the term of the committee members.
The CRA Board approved to reopen and extend the application period from April 24, 2024 - May 20, 2024 totaling twenty six days. During this period, the Community Redevelopment Agency received 32 applications; of which 15 may be considered based on the application criteria and the information that was submitted.
At this time, Staff would like direction on how the Board would like to proceed. Below are suggested recommended actions for the Board to consider:
• Disapprove amendment and appoint applicants to the Redevelopment Advisory Committee under Resolution 2023-03;
• Approve amendment and appoint applicants to the Redevelopment Advisory Committee under the amended Resolution;
• Board direction on how to proceed.
RAC Meeting Schedule:
The proposed meeting dates for the Redevelopment Advisory Committee (RAC) are attached as ‘Exhibit E - Proposed RAC Meeting Dates.’ The RAC meeting schedule covers the period of June 2024 through June 2025.
RAC meetings will be scheduled approximately every three months apart on Thursdays at 5:30 PM, unless modified as needed by the CRA Executive Director.
RAC Overview:
There are currently five (5) vacancies for a regular member to serve, without compensation, on the Redevelopment Advisory Committee (eight (8) vacancies if the amendment is approved). Each member of the CRA Board shall appoint one (1) member of the RAC based on their City of Delray Beach Commission seat number starting with Seat #1. (If the proposed amendment is approved, there will be eight (8) vacancies)
To qualify for an appointment, the person must meet the following qualifications:
• The person applying shall be either a resident of, own property, or own a business that resides within the CRA District. (If the amendment is approved, the person applying may rent residential property for the preceding five years to be eligible)
• There shall be no more than one (1) appointed member of the RAC representing one of the eight (8) subareas within the CRA District at a given time.
• No member of the RAC may concurrently serve on any other advisory board or committee.
• There shall be no more than one (1) appointed member of the RAC engaged in the same profession at a given time.
• There shall be no members of the RAC under the age of eighteen (18) years old at the time of appointment.
The term for RAC shall be for one (1) two-year term. No member shall be appointed for more than two (2) terms. (If the amendment is approved, the term shall be for one (1) one year term.)
Attachments: Exhibit A - List of Applicants; Exhibit B - RAC Resolution 2023-03; Exhibit C - Draft RAC Resolution Amendment; Exhibit D - RAC Updated Terms (Pending Approval); Exhibit E - Proposed RAC Meeting Dates
CRA Attorney Review:
The CRA Legal Advisor has drafted the proposed amendment.
Funding Source/Financial Impact:
Overall need within the Community Redevelopment Area from Delray Beach CRA Redevelopment Plan:
Removal of Slum And Blight
Land Use
Economic Development
Affordable Housing
Downtown Housing
Recreation and Cultural Facilities