File #: 24-081 CRA    Version: 1 Name:
Type: CRA Board Action Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 8/22/2024 In control: Community Redevelopment Agency
On agenda: 8/29/2024 Final action:
Attachments: 1. Agenda Cover Report, 2. Exhibit A - Draft CRA Plan Amendment
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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TO:                                           CRA Board of Commissioners

FROM:                      Ivan J. Cabrera, AICP, Redevelopment Manager

THROUGH:                      Renée A. Jadusingh, Esq., CRA Executive Director

DATE:                      August 29, 2024






Recommended Action:


Discuss the Draft CRA Plan Amendment and provide comments.




On August 13, 2019, the CRA Board approved an Interlocal Agreement with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council for the CRA Redevelopment Plan Amendment (Plan Amendment.)  The CRA Redevelopment Plan (Plan) was last amended in 2014 and it is important to amend the Plan from time to time to update the projects, programs, and initiatives.


The Plan Amendment process included gathering feedback from CRA Staff, CRA Board, and City Officials, and also from community stakeholders including residents, property owners, and business owners through in person public meetings, presentations in group settings, and surveys.


On June 23, 2020, due to the interactive nature of the Plan Amendment Process and the concerns surrounding public gatherings in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CRA and the Treasure Coast agreed, and the CRA Board approved a First Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement to reflect a “pause” in the Plan Amendment process, which included adjusting the expiration date and timeline for the completion of the Plan Amendment.


On January 25, 2022, the CRA Board approved the Second Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement to resume the Plan Amenment process. CRA staff and Treasure Coast conducted additional interviews and public outreach meetings to gather additional input and feedback from community stakeholders.


In 2023, there were additional changes to the Florida Statutes, along with those changes made in 2019, that would impact how the CRAs operate and how CRA programs are funded. The CRA recognized the importance and necessity for the Plan Amendment to include all legislative changes and updates in order to have a comprehensive Plan. During this year, CRA Staff extensively reviewed all CRA programs, projects, and funding initiatives for compliance with Florida Statutes.




In 2024, CRA Staff and Treasure Coast have been working on finalizing the Draft Plan Amendment. The Draft Plan Amendment includes the following:

                     Updates to the Florida Statutes that impact the CRA.

                     Input from community stakeholders, including residents, property owners, business owners, CRA Board, and City Officials.

o                     Input from all community stakeholders is summarized in Pages 7-10 of the Draft Plan Amendment. Input was obtained at different times and venues within the CRA District.

                     Updates to the CRA District Goals and Needs. 

                     Updates to list of projects, programs, initiatives: completed, in-progress, and future opportunities.

                     Reorganization of the structure and format of the Plan for a more user-friendly experience.

o                     Additional appendices - the 2014 Plan is included within an appendix; no historical context is lost


Of note, the economic and demographic data throughout the Draft Plan Amendment is from 2022. The information will be updated by CRA Staff prior to presenting the final draft of the Plan Amendment to the CRA Board for approval. The economic and demographic data format will remain the same, but the data itself will be updated based on the latest census data available.


The Draft Plan Amendment has been produced with attention to the needs within the CRA District - taking into account all the public input and feedback received- and encompasses updates that will guide the CRA to meet those needs so that the CRA can achieve its mission to improve the quality of life for the benefit of the CRA District and the City of Delray Beach as a whole.


At this time, CRA Staff is requesting the CRA Board to discuss the Draft CRA Plan Amendment and provide comments. The next steps will be to incorporate CRA Board comments into a final draft, present the final draft for CRA Board approval, and seek approval of the Plan Amendment from the City of Delray Beach and Palm Beach County.


Attachment(s): Exhibit A - Draft CRA Plan Amendment



CRA Attorney Review:



Finance Review:



Funding Source/Financial Impact:

Funding is available within the FY 2023-2024 Budget via GL# 8409 - Contractual Services












Overall need within the Community Redevelopment Area from Delray Beach CRA Redevelopment Plan:

Removal of Slum and Blight

Land Use

Economic Development

Affordable Housing

Downtown Housing


Recreation and Cultural Facilities