TO: CRA Board of Commissioners
FROM: Gina Clayton, Finance & Operations Director
THROUGH: Renée A. Jadusingh, Esq., Executive Director
DATE: September 24, 2024
Recommended Action:
Approve the A.-G.U.I.D.E. Funding Agreement with Arts Garage (Delray Beach Creative City Collaborative, Inc). in an amount not to exceed $275,000 for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 and authorize the CRA Board Chair and Executive Director to execute all documents for said purpose.
Arts Garage applied for CRA A.-G.U.I.D.E.: Achieving Goals Using Impact Driven Evaluation Funding for FY 2024-2025 under the category of Recreation and Cultural Facilities. Funding is requested for one program (Program “A”). The specifics of Arts Garage’s request are summarized below.
Current Funding Request Amount: $275,000
Organization Total Budget: $1,978,000
CRA Funds - Percentage of Budget: 13.9%
FY2023-2024 Funding: $275,000
This year’s Funding Evaluation Committee consisted of CRA Assistant Director, Christine Tibbs; CRA Finance & Operations Director, Gina Clayton; CRA Program Director, Grace Gdaniec; and one representative from the City of Delray Beach - the Assistant City Manager, Jeff Oris. The Committee rated the application package based on the established A.-G.U.I.D.E. criteria. Criteria used in review of the application were grouped into six categories weighted to total 100% as follows:
Organization Capacity 20%
Need for Project/Program 20%
Project/Program Description 10%
Logic Model 20%
Evaluation Plan 10%
Budget & Sustainability 20%
The Application Evaluation Form has six categories, and the majority of the items are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 (worst to best possible response). Please review the attached Application Evaluation Form that includes the rating of the committee members on each Project/Program.
The outcome of the committee’s review is as follows:
Evaluation Score: 79%
In addition to the attached Application Evaluation Form and budget forms, the following documents are available from the CRA office upon request:
A.-G.U.I.D.E. Application
A.-G.U.I.D.E. Logic Model
A.-G.U.I.D.E. Evaluation Plan
Strategic Plan
IRS Form 990
Audited Financial Statements
Additional Comments from the Committee:
The Committee has concerns about the reliance on City and CRA funding and their need to diversify their funding.
Attached is the Funding Agreement outlining Arts Garage’s reporting requirements and other responsibilities regarding the funding provided. Arts Garage will submit quarterly reports documenting the expenditure of funds and the progress towards the outcomes projected in the Goals and Outcomes Report and Budget for FY 2024-2025. Funds will be disbursed quarterly based on submittal of the associated quarterly reports.
Staff is seeking approval for the A.-G.U.I.D.E. Funding Agreement with Arts Garage in an amount not to exceed $275,000.
Attachment(s): Exhibit A - FY 2024-2025 - Arts Garage A.-G.U.I.D.E. Funding Agreement
CRA Attorney Review:
The CRA Attorney has reviewed the Funding Agreement to form and determined it to be acceptable.
Funding Source/Financial Impact:
$275,000 allocated from General Ledger #7376 - A-GUIDE Funding.
Overall need within the Community Redevelopment Area from Delray Beach CRA Redevelopment Plan:
Removal of Slum and Blight
Land Use
Economic Development
Affordable Housing
Downtown Housing
Recreation and Cultural Facilities