TO: CRA Board of Commissioners
FROM: Kim N. Phan, Legal Advisor
THROUGH: Renée A. Jadusingh, Executive Director
DATE: February 28, 2023
Recommended Action:
Approve the amendments to Article II, Section 2.1, Article III, Section 3.13, Article IV, Section 4.7, and Article VI, Section 6.2 to the CRA By-laws.
The purpose of the proposed amendment to Article II, Section 2.1 to the CRA Bylaws is to update the composition of the CRA Board.
The purpose of the proposed amendment to Article III, Section 3.13 to the CRA Bylaws is to be consistent with the Board meeting’s public comments practices and to re-number the paragraphs accordingly.
The purpose of the proposed amendment to Article IV, Section 4.7 to the CRA Bylaws is to authorize the Executive Director’s settlement authority up to and including $25,000 for all property damage, bodily injury, and other claims and litigation.
The purpose of the proposed amendment to Article VI, Section 6.2 to the CRA Bylaws is to clarify that the Executive Director is authorized to propose amendments to the bylaws to the CRA Board and that written proposed amendments should be submitted to the Executive Director to be placed on the agenda for the next Board meeting. Also, the heading font of Article VI was modified to be consistent with the rest of the CRA Bylaws fonts.
Amendments to Bylaws
• Article II, Section 2.1 Composition of the Agency
• Article III, Section 3.13 Public’s Right to Comment
• Article IV, Section 4.7 Executive Director
• Article VI, Section 6.2 Proposal of Amendments
Attached are the proposed amendments to Article II, Section 2.1, Article III, Section 3.13, Article IV, Section 4.7, and Article VI, Section 6.2 to the CRA Bylaws for the Board’s approval.
Attachments: Exhibit A -Proposed amendments to the CRA Bylaws
CRA Attorney Review:
The CRA Attorney has prepared the attached Exhibit A and determined it to be acceptable.