TO: CRA Board of Commissioners
FROM: Alexina Jeannite, Community Engagement Director
THROUGH: Renée A. Jadusingh, Esq., Executive Director
DATE: July 15, 2021
Recommended Action:
Approve a Paint-Up & Signage funding assistance agreement with Andrew Luchey, for the proposed exterior painting improvements at 132/134 SW 13th Avenue & 241/243 SW 14th Avenue, within CRA sub-area #8, for an amount not to exceed $2,000.
The Paint-Up & Signage Program was originally established by the Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) in 2007 to encourage existing building owners or tenants to improve the exterior of their buildings through a new coat of paint, and was later expanded to include signage. The program helps to enhance the aesthetics of the Northwest and Southwest neighborhoods by facilitating minor cosmetic improvements such as exterior painting and signage projects, with a maximum possible grant award of $5,000.
Funding assistance is being requested for exterior painting and preparation of two duplexes located at 132/134 SW 13th Avenue and 241/243 SW 14th Avenue. The properties are multifamily properties owned by Mr. Andrew Luchey who is also the owner of several other properties in Delray Beach; is the President of A & Associates, a local temporary staffing firm; and actively serves on community-based boards and councils.
The applicant is requesting CRA funding assistance through the Paint-Up & Signage Program, which offers to pay 50% of eligible exterior painting, pressure cleaning, and signage costs, up to $5,000. Based on the two bids submitted by the applicant, the proposed painting improvements have an estimated cost of $2,000 for each property. As such, the applicant is eligible to receive total funding assistance for an amount not to exceed $2,000, which is fifty percent of the average total estimated cost. As advised by the City of Delray Beach Development Services Department, a Color Change Application is not required because the structures each have fewer than three (3) units and are not commercial properties. If the funding request is approved, the CRA will remit payment directly to the painting contractor after the improvements have been completed, subject to receiving verification that the applicant has paid for their portion of the project costs. If approved, the applicant anticipates that the project will be fully completed by September 2021.
A Paint-Up & Signage Award would help further the CRA mission by assisting with the cost of exterior improvements, thereby eliminating blighted conditions in Sub-Area #8 of the CRA District.
Attachments: Exhibit A - Location Map; Exhibit B - Photos of Existing Conditions and Color Samples; Exhibit C - Funding Detail Sheet; Exhibit D - Paint-Up & Signage Funding Program Guidelines.
CRA Attorney Review:
Finance Review:
Reviewed by Lori Hayward, CRA Finance & Operation Director.
Funding Source/Financial Impact:
$2,000 allocated from General Ledger #7313 - CRA Grant Programs (Paint-Up & Signage)