TO: CRA Board of Commissioners
FROM: Christine Tibbs, Assistant Director
THROUGH: Renée A. Jadusingh, Executive Director
DATE: August 29, 2024
Recommended Action:
Approve an Independent Contractor Agreement (Agreement) with The Atlantic Current, LLC (Atlantic Current) for the provision of artistic services for the Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA).
Section 163.370(2)(b) of the Florida Statutes provides that the CRA shall have all the powers necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions to disseminate community redevelopment information. On a regular basis the CRA disseminates information to residents, property owners, and the general public regarding its current and future projects and programs. As such, the CRA requires the artistic services and talent of an experienced creative and visual arts professional firm to assist the CRA in developing original, unique media with a consistent voice and aesthetic; this will help to ensure that the information disseminated has the greatest reach, especially within the CRA District, and, more importantly, those receiving the information recognize its authenticity.
The Atlantic Current has provided a proposal for artistic services that meets the needs and goals required of the CRA. See Exhibit B.
The Agreement Term will be one (1) year, with the Agreement commencing on September 1, 2024, and terminating on August 31, 2025. The total Contract Price is not to exceed $47,400, to be paid each month at a compensation rate not to exceed $3,950. Per the CRA’s Purchasing Policies and Procedures, artistic services are exempt from the competitive process.
At this time, CRA Staff recommends the approval of the Independent Contractor Agreement, in substantially the same form as attached in Exhibit A, with The Atlantic Current, LLC for the provision of artistic services in the total Contract Price not to exceed $47,400.
Attachments: Exhibit A - Independent Contractor Agreement, Exhibit B - Artistic Services Proposal
CRA Attorney Review:
The CRA Legal Counsel has reviewed the Independent Contractor Agreement for legal sufficiency and form.
Funding Source/Financial Impact:
Overall need within the Community Redevelopment Area from Delray Beach CRA Redevelopment Plan:
Removal of Slum And Blight
Land Use
Economic Development
Affordable Housing
Downtown Housing
Recreation and Cultural Facilities