TO: CRA Board of Commissioners
FROM: Christine Tibbs, Assistant Director
THROUGH: Renée A. Jadusingh, Esq., Executive Director
DATE: August 29, 2024
Recommended Action:
98 NW 5th Avenue is located within the City of Delray Beach’s West Settler’s Historic District, along the Historic NW/SW 5th Avenue Corridor. The CRA acquired the property in 2018 as provided within the CRA’s Community Redevelopment Plan (Plan) which identifies the NW/SW 5th Avenue corridor within the NW & SW 5th Avenue Beautification Project #2.1 (Project #2.1). The objective of Project #2.1 is to revitalize the NW & SW 5th Avenue corridor into a thriving district for neighborhood businesses and cultural activities with the strategic provision of diverse neighborhood shopping, services, and cultural facilities that will serve to enhance overall business activity and pedestrian activity in the area.
At the time of purchase, the two-story building on the property comprised of four (4) two-bedroom, one-bath apartment units on the second floor, and 750 sq. ft. of commercial space, garage parking, and one (1) two-bedroom, one-bath apartment on the first floor. With the goals and objectives outlined in the CRA’s Plan, the building was redesigned and renovated into a two-story commercial building with a co-working space on the second floor, and five (5) commercial rental units on the first floor. The renovation of the building was completed in the Summer of 2023.
Currently, the second-floor co-working space is open each Tuesday, and three (3) of the first-floor commercial units have been leased. As the building is fully operational and welcoming visitors, installation of signage and naming of the building are the next steps.
CRA Staff had previously reached out to the City of Delray Beach to gather the history of the previous owners of the property and building. The research provided by the City contains information on the previous owners, their involvement within the City, the construction of the building on the property, and the prior uses of the building. See Exhibit A.
At this time, CRA Staff is requesting the CRA Board discuss the naming of the building and installation of signage located at 98 NW 5th Avenue and provide direction to CRA Staff.
Attachment(s): Exhibit A - History of 98 NW 5th Avenue
CRA Attorney Review:
Funding Source/Financial Impact:
Overall need within the Community Redevelopment Area:
Removal of Slum and Blight
Downtown Housing
Land Use
Economic Development
Recreation and Cultural Facilities
Affordable Housing