TO: CRA Board of Commissioners
FROM: Christine Tibbs
THROUGH: Renée A. Jadusingh, Executive Director
DATE: September 1, 2022
Recommended Action:
Approve the costs associated with removing the AT&T, Comcast, and FPL overhead utility lines and relocate them underground.
On May 25, 2021, the CRA Board awarded ITB 2021-03 for the renovation of 98 NW 5th Avenue (Project) to Waypoint Contracting, Inc. (Waypoint) and an Agreement between the CRA and Waypoint was executed on October 20, 2021 (Agreement.)
The design of the Project necessitates removal of overhead utility lines that currently go across the front of the property facing NW 1st Street and relocating the lines underground. Along, with the relocation, new transformers will be installed to better service the needs of the Project, neighboring properties, and any future development in the area. Finally, new and more resilient concrete pole infrastructure will be installed.
CRA staff, Waypoint, the CRA’s Architect Synalovski, Romanik, and Saye, and the utility companies - AT&T, Comcast, and FPL - have had numerous discussions related to the removal and relocation of the overhead utility lines. All work related to the removal and relocation of the utility lines will be performed by the utility companies and payment will be remitted directly to the utility companies.
Cost of Removing and Relocating Utility Lines, Installing New Transformers and Concrete Poles:
Utility Company Cost
AT&T $102,785.28
Comcast $7993.40
FPL $55,664.27
TOTAL COST: $166,442.95
At this time, CRA Staff is requesting the CRA Board approve this request in the total amount of $166,442.95. to remove the AT&T, Comcast, and FPL overhead utility lines and relocate them underground.
Attachments: Exhibit A - Location Map; Exhibit B - AT&T Relocation Costs; Exhibit C - Comcast Relocation Costs; Exhibit D - FPL Relocation Costs
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