File #: 18-0813 CRA    Version: 1 Name:
Type: CRA Discussion Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 5/19/2021 In control: Community Redevelopment Agency
On agenda: 5/25/2021 Final action: 12/31/2023
Title: 98 NW 5TH Avenue Agreements - Landscape Maintenance, Solid Waste Dumpster Sharing with the Delray Beach Housing Authority, Easement Agreement for Pedestrian Clear Zone, and Dumpster Access Easement.
Attachments: 1. Agenda Cover Report, 2. Dumpster Access Easement Agreement_FINAL, 3. Dumpster Sharing Agreement FINAL, 4. FINAL Landscape Maintenance Agreeement with Exhibit, 5. FINAL Pedestrian Clear Zone Agreement-CRA-98 NW 5th Avenue
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TO: CRA Board of Commissioners
FROM: Kim N. Phan, Legal Advisor
THROUGH: Renée A. Jadusingh, Executive Director
DATE: May 25, 2021

98 NW 5TH Avenue Agreements - Landscape Maintenance, Solid Waste Dumpster Sharing with the Delray Beach Housing Authority, Easement Agreement for Pedestrian Clear Zone, and Dumpster Access Easement.

Recommended Action:
Approve the Landscape Maintenance, Solid Waste Dumpster Sharing with the Delray Beach Housing Authority, Easement Agreement for Pedestrian Clear Zone, and Dumpster Access Easement for the property located on 98 NW 5th Avenue in substantially the attached forms.

In March 2021, the Certified Class III Site Plan and Building Permit Construction Plans were submitted to the City’s Development Services Department and are pending approval. As part of the approval process, the City requires the CRA, as the property owner, to enter into the following agreements: Landscape Maintenance, Solid Waste Dumpster Sharing with the Delray Beach Housing Authority, Easement Agreement for Pedestrian Clear Zone, and Dumpster Access Easement for the property located on 98 NW 5th Avenue.

At this time, the Landscape Maintenance, Solid Waste Dumpster Sharing with the Delray Beach Housing Authority, Easement Agreement for Pedestrian Clear Zone, and Dumpster Access Easement agreements for the property located on 98 NW 5th Avenue are before the Board for approval and for the CRA Executive Director to sign all documents for said purpose in substantially the attached form.

Attachments: Exhibit A - Landscape Maintenance Agreement; Exhibit B - Solid Waste Dumpster Sharing with the Delray Beach Housing Authority agreement; Exhibit C - Easement Agreement for Pedestrian Clear Zone; Exhibit D - Dumpster Access Easement.

CRA Attorney Review:
The CRA Attorney has reviewed the attached Agreements as to form and determined them to be acceptable.

Funding Source/Financial Impact:

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