The Edge at Pineapple Grove (2022-081): Provide a recommendation to the City Commission on a Level 4 Site Plan (including a Landscape Plan, Architectural Elevations, and Waiver) to construct a seven-unit townhouse development.
Address: 605 NE 2nd Street
PCN: 12-43-46-16-01-114-0090
Applicant: Downtown Second Street, LLC
Property Owner: 215 NE 6th Ave, LLC
Authorized Agent: Miskel & Backman, LLP; bmiskel@miskelbackman.com, cbilenki@miskelbackman.com
Project Planner: Susie Rodrigues, Planner; rodriguess@mydelraybeach.com; Amy Alvarez, Assistant Director; alvarez@mydelraybeach.com