File #: 22-25 CRA    Version: 1 Name:
Type: CRA Board Action Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 11/22/2022 In control: Community Redevelopment Agency
On agenda: 12/8/2022 Final action: 12/31/2023
Attachments: 1. Agenda Cover Report, 2. Exhibit A - Proposed amendments to Article III, Section 3.3 and Article IV, Section 4.1 to the CRA Bylaws
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TO:                                           CRA Board of Commissioners

FROM:                      Kim N. Phan, Legal Advisor

THROUGH:  Renée A. Jadusingh, Executive Director

DATE:                      December 8, 2022






Recommended Action:


Approve the amendments to Article III, Section 3.3 and Article IV, Section 4.1 to the CRA Bylaws.




The purpose of the proposed amendment to Article III, Section 3.3 to the CRA Bylaws is for the purpose of scheduling the CRA Annual Meeting after the Commission of the City of Delray Beach conducts annual appointments of the CRA Chair and CRA Vice-Chair and also to delete outdated language. 


The purpose of the proposed amendment to Article IV, Section 4.1 to the CRA Bylaws is for the purpose of scheduling the annual appointments of the CRA Chair and CRA Vice-Chair by the Commission of the City of Delray Beach during the City Organizational Meeting held each year on or after the last Thursday of March.   


Amendments to Bylaws

                     Article III, Section 3.3 Annual Meeting

                     Article IV, Section 4.1 Officers of the Agency


Attached are the proposed amendments to Article III, Section 3.3 and Article IV, Section 4.1 to the CRA Bylaws.


Attachments: Exhibit A -Proposed amendments to Article III, Section 3.3 and Article IV, Section 4.1 to the CRA Bylaws


CRA Attorney Review:

The CRA Attorney has prepared the attached Exhibit A and determined it to be acceptable.