File #: 25-265    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Advisory Board Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/18/2025 In control: Public Art Advisory Board
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: Consideration of File No. 2025-051. The installation of 1 proposed mural on Building 1880 located at 1880 Dr. Andres Way. Address: 1880 Dr. Andre's Way PCN: 12-43-46-18-16-000-0020 Property Owner: JMS Boynton Beach LLC; Designated Agent: Andrew M. Rose, Rose Marcom, LLC,
Attachments: 1. 1880 Facade 4 Staff Report, 2. 1880 Facade 4
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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Consideration of File No. 2025-051. The installation of 1 proposed mural on Building 1880 located at 1880 Dr. Andres Way.

Address: 1880 Dr. Andre's Way

PCN: 12-43-46-18-16-000-0020

Property Owner:  JMS Boynton Beach LLC;

Designated Agent: Andrew M. Rose, Rose Marcom, LLC,