File #: 25-138    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Advisory Board Agenda Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/28/2025 In control: Historic Preservation Board
On agenda: 2/5/2025 Final action:
Title: Ad Valorem Tax Exemption (2025-107): Recommendation to the City Commission for a Historic Property Ad Valorem Tax Exemption request associated with additions and alterations to a contributing structure Address: 300 SE 7th Avenue, Marina Historic District Owner: Lisa Ruth & Robert Kubin; Planner: Michelle Hewett;
Sponsors: Development Services Department
Attachments: 1. HPB SR-2025-02-05-300 SE 7th Avenue, 2. Plans-2025-02-05-300 SE 7th Avenue, 3. Before Survey-2025-02-05-300 SE 7th Avenue, 4. After Survey-2025-02-05-300 SE 7th Avenue, 5. Before Photos-2025-02-05-300 SE 7th Avenue, 6. After Photos-2025-02-05-300 SE 7th Avenue, 7. Certificate of Occupancy-2025-02-05-300 SE 7th Avenue, 8. Historic Tax Exemption Application-2025-02-05-300 SE 7th Avenue, 9. Tax Information and Quit Claim-2025-02-05-300 SE 7th Avenue
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Ad Valorem Tax Exemption (2025-107): Recommendation to the City Commission for a Historic Property Ad Valorem Tax Exemption request associated with additions and alterations to a contributing structure

Address: 300 SE 7th Avenue, Marina Historic District

Owner: Lisa Ruth & Robert Kubin;

Planner: Michelle Hewett;