TO: CRA Board of Commissioners
FROM: Tara Toto, Redevelopment Manager
THROUGH: Renée A. Jadusingh, Esq., CRA Executive Director
DATE: July 28, 2020
Recommended Action:
Provide Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency staff with a construction strategy determination for the Carver Square Workforce Housing project.
The Delray Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) was established to eliminate slum and blight in the established CRA District within the City of Delray Beach. Key components to accomplishing this mission is through redevelopment and affordable housing.
The CRA Redevelopment Plan identifies Carver Square as a redevelopment project to provide affordable housing. Beginning in 2005, the CRA acquired two (2) blocks of single-family properties (twenty (20) lots total) in the Carver Square subdivision in the Southwest Neighborhood, The houses were constructed on the site of a former pond and informal dumping area, and due to soil settlement issues, most of the houses had experienced significant structural damage. The CRA’s plan for the Carver Square area included resident relocation, demolition of the remaining structures, remediation of the soil conditions, stabilization of the site, and construction of new single-family affordable housing (p.29; p.86-89)
The CRA Redevelopment Plan breaks down the Carver Square redevelopment project into Four Phases which consist of the following: Phase One (initial soil testing), Phase Two (acquisition of the properties, relocation of the residents, and demolition of the structures), Phase Three (environmental testing and remediation), and Phase Four (construction of the new affordable/workforce housing units) (p.88-89.). Having completed Phases One through Three, the CRA is now in the final phase.
In 2018, the CRA engaged a consultant to design new affordable/workforce housing for Carver Square. Throughout the design...
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