325 Sandpiper Lane (2024-053): Consideration of two variance requests from Land Development Regulations (LDR) Section 4.3.4(K), Development Standards Matrix - Residential Zoning Districts, to reduce the existing front (west) setback from 30 feet to seven feet, six inches, whereas a minimum of 35 feet is required, and to reduce the side street (north) setback to 10 feet, whereas a minimum of 17 feet is required, associated with an addition to the existing single-family residence.
Address: 325 Sandpiper Lane
PCN: 12-43-46-16-22-003-0090
Property Owner: Hillary T. Matchett
Authorized Agent: Gary Eliopoulos of GE Architecture, Inc.; Gary@eliarch.com
Planner: Alexis Rosenberg, Senior Planner; RosenbergA@mydelraybeach.com