The Maxwell (2023-196): Provide a recommendation to the City Commission on three waiver requests associated with a Level 4 Site Plan Application for a mixed-use development, 1) to reduce the streetscape dimension from the required 15 feet to 11 feet and 2 inches, 2) to reduce the front setback requirement on the corner of NE 4th Avenue and Railroad Street from the required 10 feet to 0 feet, and 3) to allow the square footage within the required front setback to be calculated towards the required Civic Open Space square footage.
Address: 306 NE 2nd Street
PCN: 12-43-46-16-01-090-0250
Property Owner: 306 NE 2nd Street LLC
Applicant: Harold Van Arnem; hva@vapgroup.com
Authorized Agent: Jon Kinsman; jonk@vapgroup.com
Project Planner: Alexia Howald, Senior Planner; howalda@mydelraybeach.com; Susana Rodrigues, Planner; rodriguess@mydelraybeach.com