| 1 | A. | | Advisory Board Agenda Item | Scoopy Doo's, Conditional Use (2024-184-USE-PZB): Provide a recommendation to the City Commission on Resolution No. 171-24, a Conditional Use request to allow pet grooming services at the property located at 507 East Atlantic Avenue, as set forth in Resolution No. 171-24. (PUBLIC HEARING)
Agent: Mike Covelli, ASLA/AICP of Covelli Design Associates, Inc.; mike@covellidesign.com
Planner: Alexis Rosenberg, Senior Planner; rosenberga@mydelraybeach.com | | |
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Not available
| 1 | B. | | Advisory Board Agenda Item | The Edge at Pineapple Grove (2022-081): Provide a recommendation to the City Commission on a Level 4 Site Plan (including a Landscape Plan, Architectural Elevations, and Waiver) to construct a seven-unit townhouse development.
Address: 605 NE 2nd Street
PCN: 12-43-46-16-01-114-0090
Applicant: Downtown Second Street, LLC
Property Owner: 215 NE 6th Ave, LLC
Authorized Agent: Miskel & Backman, LLP; bmiskel@miskelbackman.com, cbilenki@miskelbackman.com
Project Planner: Susie Rodrigues, Planner; rodriguess@mydelraybeach.com; Amy Alvarez, Assistant Director; alvarez@mydelraybeach.com | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | A. | | Advisory Board Agenda Item | Amendment to the Land Development Regulations, Fertilizer Use Regulations (2024-240): Provide a recommendation to the City Commission on Ordinance No. 28-24, a City-initiated amendment to Section 4.6.16, “Landscape Regulations” of the Land Development Regulations (LDR) to adopt comprehensive fertilizer use regulations in compliance with Florida Department of Environmental Protection requirements.
Planner: Juan Moises Cuesta, P.E., PMP, Stormwater Engineer; cuestaj@mydelraybeach.com | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | B. | | Advisory Board Agenda Item | Amendment to the Land Development Regulations, Article 4.7 Scrivener's Errors (2024-190): Provide a recommendation to the City Commission on Ordinance No. 27-24, a City-initiated amendment to the Land Development Regulations (LDR), amending Article 4.7, “Family/Workforce Housing” to correct scrivener’s errors.
Planner: Rebekah Dasari; dasarir@mydelraybeach.com | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | C. | | Advisory Board Agenda Item | Amendment to the Land Development Regulations, Corrective Amendment (File 2024-019). Provide a recommendation to the City Commission on Ordinance No, 30-24, a City-initiated amendment to the Land Development Regulations (LDR), amending Chapter 1, “General Provisions,” Chapter 2, “Administrative Provisions,” Chapter 3, “Performance Standards,” Chapter 4, “Zoning Regulations;” Chapter 5, “Subdivision Regulations,” Chapter 6, “Infrastructure and Public Property,” Chapter 7, “Building Regulations,” and Chapter 8, “Special Implementation Programs,” to update references consistent with Ordinance No. 31-23 and to correct other outdated references.
Planner: Rebekah Dasari, Principal Planner; dasarir@mydelraybeach.com | | |
Not available
Not available