File #: 18-0559 CRA    Version: 1 Name:
Type: CRA Funding Assistance Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/14/2020 In control: Community Redevelopment Agency
On agenda: 2/25/2020 Final action: 12/31/2023
Attachments: 1. Agenda Cover Report, 2. Exhibit A - Location Map, 3. Exhibit B - Approval Letter HPB 12.4.19, 4. Exhibit C - HPB Staff Report 10.2.19, 5. Exhibit D - Easement Document, 6. Exhibit E - Proposed Elevations and Site Photos updated
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TO:                                           CRA Board of Commissioners

FROM:                      Ivan Cabrera, AICP, Redevelopment Manager

THROUGH:  Renée A. Jadusingh, Esq., Executive Director

DATE:                      February 25, 2020






Recommended Action:


Approve the proposed modifications to the façade of the Masonic Lodge Building located at 44 East Atlantic Avenue and authorize the Chair, to execute, on behalf of the CRA, the necessary written permission pursuant to the CRA’s Historic Façade Architectural Control and Redevelopment Easement dated March 20, 1998.





The Masonic Lodge Building, located at 44 East Atlantic Avenue, was originally constructed in 1924 and is within the Old School Square Historic Arts District (OSSHAD) and has a Central Business District Overlay. The building is a two (2) story, Masonry Vernacular style commercial building with stucco exterior and is currently being utilized on the first floor for retail and restaurant uses and on the second floor for office use.


In 1997, the City Historic Preservation Board approved plans to renovate the building, which included the removal of the brick veneer on the exterior, restoration of the building’s stucco exterior, exposing and recapping the parapet, replacing the storefronts and second floor windows, adding stucco banding to the parapet, and adding stucco lintels and sills.


In 1998, the property owner received a $45,000 façade easement grant for the approved renovation plans. The CRA also recorded a historic façade easement (CRA Easement) which ensured additional review and required prior written approval by the CRA for any proposed exterior changes in the future. The purpose of the easement was “to assure the preservation and maintenance of the historic structure.”


In 2019, the owner, Jetport II, Ltd. submitted a Certificate of Appropriateness application to the Development Services Department Historic Preservation Division requesting approval to modify the exterior of the building.   The proposed scope of work includes an exterior color change (existing: beige with white trim; proposed: white with sage trim), replacement of fabric on all awnings (existing: white and green striped; proposed: solid brown/chocolate), refinishing of awning frames and rear outdoor staircase (existing: white; proposed: bronze), replacement of four (4) existing ground floor windows and doors (white), replacement of lighting fixtures (existing: white; proposed: bronze), replacement of fabric entry awning with an aluminum, architectural canopy (bronze) and restoration of the existing flagpole on the roof.


Based on the terms of the CRA Easement, CRA General Counsel advised that the CRA Board shall review and apply the Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings issued by the Department of the Interior at 36 CFR Section 68.3 and/or state or local standards. Consequently, the Historic Preservation Board for the City of Delray Beach uses these same guidelines in their approval process.


CRA Staff has reviewed the proposed modifications as they relate to the standards of review in the CRA Easement and restated above.  The recommendations made by the Historic Preservation Board were also considered in this review as they utilize the same guidelines as the CRA Easement.  Based on CRA Staff’s review, CRA Staff recommends that the CRA Board approve of the proposed modifications on the condition that the property owner complies with all City requirements for the project.



Attachment(s): Exhibit A - Location Map; Exhibit B - Historic Preservation Division Approval Letter; Exhibit C - Historic Preservation Division Staff Report; Exhibit D - Proposed Architectural Elevations and Existing Photos, Exhibit D - Recorded Historic Façade Architectural Control and Redevelopment Easement


CRA Attorney Review:

The CRA General Counsel has reviewed the Historic Façade Architectural Control and Redevelopment Easement and determined that the Certificate of Appropriateness application submitted to the Development Services Department Historic Preservation Division shall be reviewed by the CRA Board.


Finance Review:



Funding Source/Financial Impact: